Mildred Lisette Norman, an American peace activist, said that we should live what we believe. James, the brother of the Lord, said it this way, "Faith without works is dead." He said to be a doer of the word and not merely a hearer.
If we believe in a living God, should we not have a living relationship with Him?
If we believe in a personal God, should we not have a personal relationship with Him?
How do persons relate? Is it not through words in conversation?
If we believe this, we should live this. We should speak to God, expecting Him to respond to a conversation.
But many are considered insane when they say they converse with God.
Now what could be more sane than conversing with God? Whose mind is clearer: the one who ignores the voice of God, or the one who enjoys it?
Our belief comes from hearing, and our hearing from the word of God, according to the Apostle Paul. And the Lord Jesus said that we live by the very words that come from the mouth of God, not from the finger of God, not from the writing of God. In fact, Jesus said, "It is written," not "it is spoken," "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."
I emphasize this because we in western culture emphasize writing, exalting the written word above the spoken word. But the written is a servant of the spoken. We write when we cannot speak. We write to make permanent what was spoken. God spoke the heavens and the earth into existence. He didn't write it into existence. What is written is a record of what was spoken.
God speaks.
Do we believe this?
Then we should live this.
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