Sunday, February 26, 2012

Is God boring?

Or, is a "personal relationship with the Lord" boring? 

It depends.

Some think of a relationship with God as reading the Bible, individually or in Christian community, meaning at church meetings.  Every now and then God may "show up," depending on the denomination.  Some one may speak in an unknown language, pass out, or get healed...maybe.  A demon may scream through the mouth of a person in the front pew, and a "deliverance minister" may engage in spiritual warfare, vehemently commanding the demon to come out...after asking it's name and origin of entry.  A prophet may give "a word" that may or may not be relevant or even true. 

But most of the time...Bible Study after Bible Study after Bible Study. 

Is this what Jesus came for, Bible Studies?

True, it's not like God is here for our entertainment or excitement.  We exist for Him, and not He for us.  True indeed. 

As I write this, I feel bored.  God is in me.  How can I feel bored with God in me? 

Is God boring?


Where is God when I feel bored?  Has he "left the building" that is my body, His temple? 


He made it clear to me this very morning that He is with me and in me.  He made His love known to me, that He wants my best.  I felt thankful for this affirmation from His Spirit. 

I am blessed with the Spirit of God in me, the promise of eternity, a job, a beautiful wife and six beautiful children.  Health.  Sanity.

But I'm bored.

What is boredom in the presence of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus?

It must be a lie.  I have life and life abundantly in me. 

Boredom is a kind of death...deadness...purposelessness...meaninglessness.

But my life is far from meaningless. 

My purpose is the knowledge and likeness of God.  To know God and be like Him is not boring at all.

I resist boredom.

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