Wednesday, December 8, 2010


God made all people to be oracles, to be those who hear his voice, share his voice, and follow his voice.

All people.

The first man and woman saw and heard God. They knew him directly. This was neither mystical nor magical nor supernatural, nor even "spiritual." It is only naturally for a son and daughter to have access to their father.

Cain, even in his sin, had conversations with God, even with all of his attitude.

Noah and his family knew God and listened to him.

Abraham was known as "the friend of God." God identifies himself as the Abraham's, Isaac's, and Israel's God. This is his name. He is known by his relationship to them.

Moses spoke to God face to face, as a man speaks with a friend, and he desired for all of Israel to be his nation of priests. But they chose to have Moses and Aaron as mediators.

Joshua, with the law of God and the law of Moses, spoke with God regularly, for God was with Joshua as he was with Moses, never leaving him nor forsaking him.

Samuel, the last judge and first prophet, knew the voice of the living God, and none of Samuel's words fell to the ground.

King David was the man after God's own heart.

Jeremiah foresaw a day when all would know God, from the least to the greatest. Joel also foresaw the Spirit upon every man and woman of faith. No longer would the Spirit be only upon prophets and kings and priests briefly. Moses' desire would be fulfilled: that all of God's children would be prophets.

Then came John the Baptist, who announced Immanuel, God with man and woman...again. This honor would come again to every man and woman, by the Spirit in every man and woman of faith.

The Spirit came upon all believers on the day of Pentecost. He did the same in Samaria, the household of the Gentile, Cornelius; and upon 12 Ephesian Christians.

And in the Book of Revelation, every nation, tongue, tribe, and people group will stand before their God and Father and Creator. All will know God. All will be "prophets and prophetesses."

All will be oracles speaking oracles. This is natural. This is eternal.

I write as an oracle to other oracles, and to those who seek to be oracles.

Follow my new blog, I speak as an oracle of God, so that we may continue to answer the question, Where is God?

He is in those who believe in Christ, speaking to them, and speaking through them.

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